Juan doesn’t want to go to heaven
Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”
Once upon a time, inside the Grade 4 classroom of Juan, Mr. Tawong Tukog’s nephew, the teacher needs to ask an opening question to grab the attention of the pupils for their last subject GMRC (Good Manners and Right Conduct) in the afternoon.
Teacher: Who wants to go to heaven?
(All Pupils except Juan raised their hands)
Teacher: Oh Juan, why you didn’t raise your hand? Do you want to go to hell instead?
Juan: No, ma’am!
(All his classmates laughed)
Teacher: Then, what’s your reason?
Juan: It’s just my mom Perlita told me before going to school that I shouldn’t go anywhere else but go straight home right after class.
Teacher: Ok, good boy!
You can't blame him right?